Alex du Plessis

Alex du Plessis


Alex practices in all aspects of employment law, handling both contentious and non-contentious matters. Alex has experience advising and representing employers in the financial, mining and retail sectors.

Alex has extensive experience in representing and advising a diverse range of clients on both contentious and non-contentious collective and individual employment law related matters. He has represented clients in the CCMA, various bargaining councils, Financial Services Tribunal, Magistrates’ Court, Labour Court, High Court, Labour Appeal Court, and Constitutional Court. His experience covers disputes related to employee misconduct, retrenchments, organisational rights, discrimination, debarment under the FAIS Act, unfair labor practices, bonuses, and contractual and delictual claims.

Alex has advised both local and international employers on a wide array of employment matters, including ensuring compliance of standard employment contracts with South African laws and best practices, managing employee transfers during business acquisitions and developing workplace policies and procedures on discipline, grievances and harassment. He has also conducted due diligences on South African workforces in transactional matters and provided employment-related support for domestic and cross-border transactions.

Alex's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Alex du Plessis

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