Arvand Ghazizadeh

Senior Associate

Arvand is a restructuring and insolvency lawyer. He advises on personal and corporate insolvency matters and general commercial disputes across Australia.

Arvand has a proven track record successfully navigating complex legal challenges in the realm of corporate insolvency, bankruptcy and debt restructuring. With his thorough knowledge of insolvency laws and regulations, coupled with his strategic mindset and analytical acumen, Arvand is acutely focused on advising clients to maximise their commercial outcomes. Arvand is a diligent professional who applies a practical approach, and commitment to the delivery of legal services.

Throughout his career, Arvand has acted for building and construction companies, insolvency practitioners, owners corporations of strata schemes, government organisations, small, medium and large corporations. Arvand regularly appears as solicitor advocate in various courts and tribunals across several jurisdictions. 

Arvand's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Arvand Ghazizadeh

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