Christopher Seaman

Christopher Seaman


Christopher specialises in construction and engineering law, with a particular focus on construction disputes. With experience in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore, Christopher regularly advises large international construction and engineering companies in high value arbitration proceedings, as well as proceedings in several different Courts.

Christopher has extensive experience acting for and advising clients as external counsel and in-house counsel, having acted for large international construction and engineering companies across a number of jurisdictions and worked in house for a significant public utility agency. He is experienced in advising clients in relation to range of disputes through arbitration, adjudication, litigation, expert determination, and mediation, and advising on all aspects of these disputes and strategy. He has acted in a number of high value disputes related to energy infrastructure, water and wastewater treatment, rail, light rail, infrastructure, building and civil works. In addition to advising on contentious matters, Christopher has experience in the negotiation and preparation of various contracts and agreements, including large-scale project agreements as well as providing project delivery and support.

Christopher's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Christopher Seaman

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