Geoffrey Allsop

Geoffrey Allsop


Geoffrey specialises in collective and individual employment law litigation. He represents clients in various forums such as bargaining councils, Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court and Constitutional Court. He also advises clients in urgent applications concerning strike interdicts and collective bargaining.

Geoffrey advises a wide range of clients in the mining, chemical, banking, engineering, banking and professional services sectors on all aspects employment law, including unfair dismissals, discrimination, employment equity, unfair labour practices, sexual harassment, retrenchments, contractual disputes, section 197 transfers, strike action and collective bargaining.

Geoffrey's experience includes representing clients in contractual disputes before the Labour Court and the Constitutional Court, review applications of CCMA Arbitration Awards, urgent applications to interdict strikes. He also advises clients in general employment related matters and the drafting of legal opinions and the provision of advice relating to outsourcing, large scale retrenchment and claims for workmen's compensation.

Geoffrey's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Geoffrey Allsop

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