Howat advises lenders and corporates in all aspects of banking and finance including acquisition finance, general corporate finance and real estate finance. Howat has particular experience in complex structural projects.
Howat’s technical knowledge is complimented by his commercial experience and practical approach. Having worked with Howat on a number of transactions, I have always been impressed with his diligence and the fact that he applies calm & clear thinking to what can often be complex and time critical issues.
Anna has experience of advising on information law with a focus on data protection in both contentious and non-contentious forums. She has experience of liaising directly with the Information Commissioner's Office on behalf of clients and she often delivers training sessions to Boards and Senior Management Teams on data protection compliance.
Alison advises a broad range of commercial and trustee clients on a wide range of pension law matters including bulk transfers to master trusts and risk transfer exercises.
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