Dewar Imogen

Imogen Dewar

Senior Associate

Imogen advises clients on all aspects relating to the consenting and planning for major energy and infrastructure projects located throughout the UK, particularly climate change, environmental impact assessment, habitats regulation assessment, biodiversity net gain and judicial review.

Imogen is a planning lawyer who works with clients throughout the full lifecycle of their energy and infrastructure projects, from pre-application strategy, to examination and inquiry, post-consent judicial review, planning enforcement and the funding, divestment and acquisition of consented projects.

Imogen specialises in advising on renewables, energy transition and infrastructure projects located throughout the UK including on and offshore wind and carbon capture and storage. Advising on non-contentious and contentious aspects of planning, Imogen's practice areas focus on key issues that are at the heart of consenting major projects, including carbon assessment, biodiversity and environmental net gain, as well as derogations under the habitats regulations. Imogen also has significant experience in the the judicial review of consents.

Imogen takes a pragmatic, energetic and goal-based approach to providing legal advice; working with clients to identify solutions and successfully make real their projects. 

Imogen's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Imogen Dewar

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