Jesús Priego Luque


Jesús has a particular focus on advising lenders and borrowers on syndicated bank financing, structured finance, project finance and regulation of financial markets (including investment, refinancing and restructuring).

Jesús is an Associate in the Banking and Finance department of Pinsent Masons Madrid. Jesús has a particular focus on advising lenders and borrowers on syndicated bank financing, structured finance, project finance and regulation of financial markets (including investment, refinancing and restructuring).

Jesús has advised clients across a variety of sectors including real estate, financial services, energy, infrastructure and technology.

Jesús's experience


    • 2017
      Double Masters for Access to the Legal Profession and Business Law, University of Navarra
    • 2015
      Degree in Law and Global Law Program, University of Navarra
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    Out-Law / Insight by Jesús Priego Luque

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