McGettigan Josh

Josh McGettigan

Senior Associate

Josh is a planning and environmental specialist who assists with the full life-cycle of a project, from the initial strategic/scoping phase, to obtaining required statutory approvals, appeals, operational compliance, and managing enforcement and liability risks.

Josh is in the Environment and Planning Team and has acted for both public and private sector clients on some of the largest and most complex infrastructure projects in Australia, including in the transport, renewable energy, telecommunication, industrial and utilities sectors.

He has particular expertise in planning and environment laws, statutory approvals, Aboriginal cultural heritage, European heritage, waste disposal and resource recovery, administrative law, and judicial review.

Further to his Australian experience, Josh has also practiced as a planning and environment specialist lawyer in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. He holds a Bachelor of Laws (first class honours) and a Bachelor of Science (chemistry major) from the University of Otago, New Zealand.

Josh's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Josh McGettigan

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