Juan Yago Hernández-Canut Cano

Juan Hernández-Canut Cano


Juan specialises in mergers and acquisitions, having advised a number of national and international clients on private equity investment and divestment transactions in various sectors, as well as on corporate restructuring and structural modifications.

Juan is an Associate in the Pinsent Masons Madrid Corporate and M&A team. Juan specialises in mergers and acquisitions, having advised a number of national and international clients on private equity investment and divestment transactions in various sectors such as technology, infrastructure, healthcare, industry, food and real estate, as well as on corporate restructuring and structural modifications such as mergers, spin-offs and global transfers of assets and liabilities, and on the liquidation and dissolution of companies.

He also has experience in providing corporate and contractual advice to clients in various sectors. Juan holds a degree in Law E-1 and a masters degree in Access to the Legal Profession from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas - ICADE.

Juan's experience


    • 2019
      Master’s Degree in Law specializing in private-legal relations, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE)
    • 2015
      Degree in Law, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Juan Hernández-Canut Cano

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