Laura Canet

Laura Canet


Laura advises clients in relation to international commercial arbitration and investment arbitration cases. She acts as counsel under several arbitral institutions and rules (including ICC, UNCITRAL, OHADA, EDF). She is particularly active in sectors such as defense, aeronautics and aerospace, energy and international trade.

Laura has helped clients resolve complex disputes through pre-arbitration negotiations, arbitrations and court proceedings.

She has extensive experience representing major aerospace groups in arbitrations involving long-term licensing and sales agreements, as well as major construction groups facing project disruptions.

Laura is experienced in drafting creative and impactful submissions, dealing with complex legal, technical and quantum issues, and arguing before courts and arbitral tribunals.

Laura's practice is both domestic and international. She works in French and English.

Her practice is focused on helping clients reaching their goals, by providing the best strategic advice and work quality. 

Laura's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Laura Canet

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