Léa Fournier

Léa Fournier


English, French & German

Léa is an associate of the Finance & Projects team in Paris. She advises sponsors, investment funds, lenders and multilateral institutions on their financings, in France and internationally, in the energy, real estate and infrastructure sectors.

Léa is a banking and finance lawyer in the Finance & Projects Group based in Paris. She advises lenders (commercial banks and investment funds), sponsors and other project participants on the structuring, financing, refinancing and development of complex domestic and cross-border projects with a particular emphasis on renewable power, infrastructure and real estate sectors in France, Europe and emerging countries (in particular West Africa). Léa has also gained a broad and in-depth knowledge of DFIs’ requirements (including AFD, EIB, Proparco, the World Bank group and in particular IFC).

Prior to joining Pinsent Masons LLP, Léa has worked with leading international firms in Paris and Luxembourg as well as at Proparco. Léa graduated in Master 2 International Business law at Nancy 2 and obtained an LL.M. in International Maritime Law from Swansea University.

Léa's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Léa Fournier

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