Chattle Michael

Michael Chattle

Senior Associate

Michael is a specialist employment lawyer who advises businesses with operations or interests in the UAE and wider Middle East region on all aspects of employment and labour law issues.

Michael advises local and multi-national businesses with respect to all of their Middle East employment law and HR requirements. Michael is based in the UAE and has extensive experience advising employers on UAE labour law matters (including in the UAE's economic free zones, including the DIFC and ADGM), as well as all of the key GCC jurisdictions, particularly Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Michael supports and advises clients on a wide range of employment law and HR matters, both contentious and non-contentious in nature. This includes employee relations, dismissals, employee litigation, contractual queries/disputes, breach of privacy/confidential information, restrictive covenants and also on large, multi-jurisdictional employment law projects across the Middle East, Europe and Asia. 

Michael's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Michael Chattle

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