Mike is an experienced planning lawyer who specialises in providing strategic and commercial planning advice across the development, energy and infrastructure sectors from both a private and public sector perspective.
We had some testing and difficult circumstances to work through on the project. Mike Pocock was a patient and capable guide through the process and very receptive to my responses and concerns; he understood the urgency and importance of our particular situation. I felt well supported by his professionalism and expertise.
Mike's primary area of expertise is in banking and financial services disputes arising from lending, hedging, regulated sales and private equity. Mike also advises in a wide range of commercial disputes, typically including cross jurisdictional issues.
Rob is an experienced dispute resolution practitioner who represents clients on complex, high-value international infrastructure and energy projects. He specialises in international arbitration, is a Fellow of the CIArb and ranked as a leading construction law and international arbitration practitioner.
John is a Finance & Projects Partner specialising in the delivery of complex infrastructure and energy projects both in the UK and internationally, acting for procuring authorities, private sector sponsors and funding vehicles.
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