Nayna has extensive experience in commercial real estate matters, including: transfers, bonds, leases and servitudes. She has been involved in the IPP procurement since its inception advising lenders, developers and landowners on both greenfield and brownfield projects.
Nayna played a key role in assisting us with closing the first of its kind large-scale private Solar PV wheeling project in South Africa for Amazon, providing exceptional advisory services, reliability, availability and timely delivery on all levels.
Sebastian Hirschmann
- Senior Project Developer, SOLA Group
Nayna’s attention to detail and drive to get the job makes her very effective. She understands the client’s needs and adapts to changes under pressure while delivering high-quality work. The quality of her work is so good that we followed her when she left one firm to join another!
Mr Kurt Morais
- Corporate Relations Manager, Karpowership
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