Tapper Oliver

Oliver Tapper

Senior Associate

Oliver is a commercial litigator who advises domestic and international corporate and UHNW clients on a range of commercial disputes, with a particular focus on the Art and Cultural Property sector.

Oliver has extensive experience advising clients in complex and high profile commercial disputes in High Court litigation, arbitration, and in mediation. His broad commercial practice often involves cross-border elements across a range of sectors, including trusts, technology and a variety of commercial and corporate disputes.

In his art law practice, Oliver advises on a range of contentious art related matters, both high-profile cases and smaller more discreet disputes, on issues including authenticity, provenance, misrepresentation, fraud, conversion, restitution, and ownership. He is experienced in advising on and assisting with the potentially significant commercial, reputational and personal considerations that can arise in such matters.

Oliver's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Oliver Tapper

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