Rich Manley

MLS Solutions Director

Rich is the Managed Legal Services Solutions Director, helping clients tackle their legal function challenges with innovative solutions.

Rich is highly experienced in setting up and managing legal teams, providing outsourced legal managed service solutions to clients and advising corporate legal functions on how to do more with less through innovation, operating model re-design, technology and process improvement.

Rich is also skilled in all aspects of law firm management including at board level having been a law firm COLP, MLRO, Training Principal and Board Member at a Big Four owned ALSP. Rich is a qualified Solicitor and experienced Client Director.

Rich's experience


    • 2024
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2018
      EY Riverview Law
    • 2012
      Riverview Law
    • 2011
      Commercial Solicitor
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    Out-Law / Insight by Rich Manley

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