Lewis Samantha

Samantha Treleaven

Senior Associate

Sam is trusted adviser to many of the firm's Retail & Consumer clients, advising investors, founders and management teams on private equity and M&A transactions. Specialisms include Lifestyle; Apparel, Accessories & Luxury Brands; Leisure & Hospitality; and Food & Beverage.

Sam is an expert in her sector with in depth understanding of consumer brands, in particular those that are digitally native and ethically minded. Sam values long term partnerships and works with businesses from inception, through seed and growth fundraises, to exit and beyond. Similarly, investors rely on Sam's industry knowledge in considering investment opportunities, in tailored and insightful diligence and in commercially and pragmatically negotiating transaction documentation. Sam leads with energy and tenacity and focuses on communicating in plain English. 

Samantha's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Samantha Treleaven

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