Siobhan is a partner in the firm’s Property Group and part of the firm’s Climate and Sustainability Team, supporting real estate clients to address the impact and effects of climate change. She is member of the Sustainability Committees of several leading industry bodies.
Clients rate her very highly and are very loyal to her, which is testament to the service she provides
- Chambers 2022
Siobhan Cross stood out as being really exceptional in her field. It was the quality of her work, substance and depth. She had an ability to get you to where you wanted to be. She was exceptionally clear with her advice and very good at what she does. She understood what we wanted and reacted accordingly. Generally, one finds that a lot of legal responses are woolly and lawyers will simply give equal weight to a lot of different options, which is the easy response to give. However Siobhan focused much more on what is important.
Karim Azem
- Director Chalegrove Properties Limited
Siobhan is absolutely fantastic and brilliant. She is incredibly knowledgeable and experienced. She always goes above and beyond and makes us aware of all the risks.
Mike's primary area of expertise is in banking and financial services disputes arising from lending, hedging, regulated sales and private equity. Mike also advises in a wide range of commercial disputes, typically including cross jurisdictional issues.
As a member of Vario Flexible Services, Rhys works with businesses and legal professionals in the UK & Ireland to deliver timely and effective flexible resourcing solutions by matching the best suited legal professional(s) to our client’s requirements.
Rob is an experienced dispute resolution practitioner who represents clients on complex, high-value international infrastructure and energy projects. He specialises in international arbitration, is a Fellow of the CIArb and ranked as a leading construction law and international arbitration practitioner.
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