Sophie Warren

Sophie Warren

Senior Tax Manager

Sophie advises corporates and individuals (including High Net Worth Individuals) on the resolution of their contentious tax disputes. Sophie specialises in tax investigations including cases of suspected fraud under HMRC's Code of Practice 9 and the disclosure of tax irregularities.

Sophie is a Senior Tax Manager in the tax disputes and investigations practice with wide-ranging experience assisting clients with HMRC related disputes and issues. Sophie covers the full range of HMRC interventions from routine enquiries through to HMRC investigations, and prosecutions, by HMRC specialist teams. Sophie has a particular specialism in tax investigations including cases of suspected fraud under HMRC's Code of Practice 9 (COP9) and assisting clients with voluntary disclosures of tax irregularities (including HMRC’s Digital Disclosure Service and the Worldwide Disclosure Facility), helping clients resolve contentious issues and reach a satisfactory settlement without recourse to litigation. Sophie also provides tax compliance advice and frequently advises on UK tax residence status for individuals who are planning to arrive or leave the UK (and related cross jurisdictional tax matters). Sophie works with corporates, partnerships and trusts as well as individuals.

Sophie's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Sophie Warren

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