Thatishi Moloto

Thatishi Moloto


Admitted Attorney specializing in areas of construction law, advising clients in the energy, construction and mining sectors, focusing on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and commercial litigation. Experienced in domestic and international construction related adjudications and arbitrations under FIDIC and the JBCC

Thatishi advises clients on the day-to-day contract management issues relating to various construction projects, with the main focus being on the resolution of construction related disputes pertaining to extensions of time, prolongations, disruptions, defects, and design related claims through court litigation, arbitration, adjudication. Thatishi has acted for multiple clients or contractors in litigious matters including, amongst others, a technology and project management implementation company involved in engineering, supply, construction, commissioning, rehabilitation and the servicing of thermal power plants (Medupi and Kusile Power Station Projects) in relation to a range of downstream arbitration and adjudication proceedings under the FIDIC. He has represented international contractors including in the ICC arbitrations pertaining to construction of a bridge in Botswana, resolution of disputes for mining company in Namibia and many other South African based first tier contractors in resolving their construction disputes. He is experienced in drafting of pleadings, advisory notes, notices, court documents, and disputes related correspondence. 

Thatishi's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Thatishi Moloto

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