Coughlin Toby

Toby Coughlin

Senior Associate

Toby specialises in dealing with large-scale disputes and investigations, most notably in the data privacy and media space. He supports clients across a wide range of sectors and has particular experience of advising technology platforms and media organisations.

Toby has extensive experience of defending clients, including major technology platforms, against data privacy claims. This includes a number of opt-in and opt-out mass actions which have sought to test and define the boundaries of mass action regimes in the England & Wales jurisdiction.

Toby has also acted for media organisations, including a leading international broadcaster and the publisher of a major international newspaper, on claims brought in breach of confidence, misuse of private information and the "right to be forgotten".

Toby has experience of advising clients in respect of regulatory inquiries and investigations brought by supervisory authorities such as the Irish Data Protection Commission and the Information Commissioner's Office.

Toby previously spent time on secondment at Google dealing with contentious and non-contentious matters arising in the United Kingdom.

Toby's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Toby Coughlin

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