Loonen Tom

Tom Loonen

Special counsel

Tom has extensive experience working in the banking sector as head of banking, head of compliance, and board member. As professor of financial law at the VU University Amsterdam he specialises in anti-money laundering, financial ethics and MiFID II.

Tom 's experience


    • 2022
      Erasmus University Amsterdam - Financial Law (MBA)
    • 2017
      London School of Economics - Executive Leadership Programme
    • 2015
      Risk Management Programme for Banks, INSEAD, Fontainebleau
    • 2009
      University of Leiden - Legal Expert (Postgraduate)
    • 2006
      University of Amsterdam - Economics & Econometrics (Doctorate)
    • 2000
      University of Sunderland - Business Administration (MBA)
    • 1998
      University of Lincolnshire - Science Business Management TQM (MSc)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Tom Loonen

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