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Back for our fourth year, we are thrilled to bring together expertise and experience from a variety of our Equality Law and EDI specialists at a half-day conference.

Packed full of opinion, insight and practical actions across the hottest topics in the EDI world. Our expert panels will walk you through the latest legislative developments, such as the new duty to prevent sexual harassment and extended pay gap reporting requirements; share practical insights on how to navigate a clash of beliefs in an increasingly polarised world; and how businesses are responding to the current wave of “anti-wokeism”.

Who should attend

The conference will be of interest to HR professionals, line managers, in-house legal teams, EDI specialists, Data Protection officers and any individual with an interest in EDI matters.

When and where

In-person - 09:15-14:00 BST

Online - 09:45-13:20 BST

Our specialists

Dodd Kate

Kate Dodd

Partner, Head of Brook Graham, Pinsent Masons

Donaldson Susannah

Susannah Donaldson

Partner, Pinsent Masons

Amy website image

Amy Hextell

Senior Associate, Pinsent Masons

Francis Keepfer

Francis Keepfer

Senior Associate, Pinsent Masons

 Sessions will include:  
  • The Duty to Prevent Sexual Harassment
  • Pay Gap Reporting and Data Management
  • Managing Conflicting Beliefs
  • Go Woke Go Broke – Tackling EDI Fatigue

Events and Training

Events and Training

Stay up-to-date with the developments that impact your business through our range of conferences, seminars, training and webinars.

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