Alejandro Mas Deudero


Alejandro is specialized in corporate investment and divestment operations and in general corporate advice, including mergers and acquisitions and structural modifications such as mergers, spin-offs and global asset and liability transfers.

Alejandro is an Associate in the Corporate department at Pinsent Masons Madrid. Alejandro is specialized in corporate investment and divestment operations and in general corporate advice, including mergers and acquisitions and structural modifications such as mergers, spin-offs and global asset and liability transfers. He advises clients, both national and international in a wide range of sectors.

Alejandro's experience


    • 2022
      LL.M. in International Corporate Law, Instituto de Empresa (IE)
    • 2017
      Double Bachelor's Degree in Law and Business Administration, Universidad de Loyola
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    Out-Law / Insight by Alejandro Mas Deudero

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