Medina Guillermo

Guillermo Medina López de Haro


Guillermo advises national and international clients in different transactional contexts, particularly in real estate assets transactions, in leasing and management contracts, and in real estate development projects, in particular construction contracts and real estate service contracts.

Guillermo is an Associate in the Property department at Pinsent Masons Madrid. He advises national and international clients in different transactional contexts, particularly in real estate assets transactions (hotels, shopping centres, industrial warehouses, logistics warehouses, office buildings, etc.), in leasing and management contracts, and in real estate development projects, in particular construction contracts and real estate service contracts.

He also advises on the preparation of due diligence reports, sale and leaseback transactions and real estate project financing and refinancing transactions.

Guillermo's experience


    • 2022
      LL.M. in International Corporate Law, Instituto de Empresa (IE)
    • 2022
      MBA module, Instituto de Empresa (IE)
    • 2018
      Master in Global Corporate Law and International Relations LL.M, Cunef
    • 2018
      Degree in Law, Cunef
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    Out-Law / Insight by Guillermo Medina López de Haro

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