Alvaro Marquez

Álvaro Márquez Muriel


Álvaro has experience in advising national and international clients in due diligence processes, as well as in the sale and purchase of companies specialising in the development of photovoltaic, wind and gas projects.

Álvaro is an Associate in the Energy and Infrastructure department of Pinsent Masons Madrid. He has experience in advising national and international clients in due diligence processes, as well as in the sale and purchase of companies specialising in the development of photovoltaic, wind and gas projects. Álvaro specialises in mergers and acquisitions of renewable energy companies, but also advises on all types of transactions and corporate matters.

He has extensive experience in the day-to-day corporate management of international companies in the energy sector, advising on all procedures required. Álvaro also has extensive experience in advising Search Funds projects.

Álvaro's experience


    • 2022
      Master’s Degree in Access to Law, IE University
    • 2016
      Law and Business Administration Degree, Loyola University
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    Out-Law / Insight by Álvaro Márquez Muriel

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