Andrew Attieh

Andrew Attieh


Andrew is a dispute resolution and regulatory lawyer, specialising in commercial disputes, competition law, and data protection. Andrew is highly experienced in strategic counterparty and regulatory engagement, having advised various multinational corporate clients across multiple jurisdictions.

Andrew is a dispute resolution and regulatory lawyer, specialising in commercial disputes, competition, and data protection. His commercial and regulatory dispute experience is extensive, having acted for South African and multinational clients in proceedings across a variety of forums, including the superior courts, the Competition Tribunal, in mediations and arbitrations. On the regulatory front, Andrew has assisted clients in obtaining merger clearance from the Competition Commission, as well as advised clients on their reporting obligations to the Information Regulator. Andrew approaches every matter strategically, with a view to obtaining the best result for clients in the most efficient manner possible.

Andrew's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Andrew Attieh

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