Andrew Wilson

Senior Pensions Executive

Andrew has spent many years advising clients on all aspects of pensions law. A member of the pensions groups' specialist risk transfer team, he has a particular focus on DB advisory work particularly buy-ins, buy-outs and scheme wind-ups.

Andrew helps clients with a wide range of pensions matters, both in terms of ongoing schemes - including advising on legal developments; drafting documentation including definitive deeds and rules; and interpreting rules to establish the benefits members are actually entitled to (surprisingly difficult sometimes); and also in terms of bringing schemes to an end - including, lining the scheme up for buy-in by preparing a detailed benefit specification (or checking one prepared by others), which can entail resolving tricky benefit issues to make scheme liabilities easier and more efficient to insure; and then moving them to buy-out and scheme wind-up, including drafting and negotiating trustee indemnities.

Andrew has also helped insurer clients draw up the individual policies they will issue to members at buy-out . 

Andrew's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Andrew Wilson

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