Anita specialises in technology and information law, advising multinational clients on complex technology and outsourcing contracts alongside data protection matters. She works across a range of business sectors, with a particular focus on financial services and life sciences.

Anita joined Pinsent Masons in 2021, where she advises on a range of technology and sourcing matters, including IT and business process outsourcings, the negotiation of software licences and cloud service agreements, and support with AI contracting issues.

Anita also assists clients with information law matters, including data sharing, international data flows and the treatment of data as an asset. Anita regularly speaks at industry and client events on the development of data spaces.

Anita works for a broad range of clients in heavily regulated sectors, with a particular focus on the financial services and life sciences sector. She also advises clients in the FMCG, technology and sports sectors.

Anita's experience includes secondments to the data privacy team of a global retail bank and the commercial contracts team in a biopharmaceutical company. 

Out-Law / Insight by Anita Basi

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