Bongi Sithole


Bongi specialises in contentious construction and engineering matters across the Southern Africa and the Middle East.

Bongi has experience in advising many international development and construction companies in both the public and private sector and has represented various clients, including employers, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and professional consultants in mediation, adjudication, arbitration dispute adjudication boards and other forms of dispute resolution forums.

In doing so, Bongi has extensive experience in the full suite of standard construction contracts, including FIDIC, NEC, JBCC, CIDB, GCC for Construction works and bespoke construction contracts across various sectors, such as port and rail transportation, energy, infrastructure and mining. Bongi has extensive experience resolving disputes under a wide range of international arbitral institutions.

Bongi 's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Bongi Sithole

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