Scanlan Cathleen

Cathleen Scanlan

Senior Associate

Cathleen specialises in construction, engineering and supply chain contracts. Focusing on major energy projects, Cathleen has extensive experience of offshore wind farm developments. She is familiar with market positions and contract terms that lenders, developers and contractors expect to see.

Cathleen is a member of the transactional construction team specialising on major energy projects and in particular, offshore wind farm developments. She frequently works with developer clients in the formulation of procurement strategies and then subsequently in the implementation of the same.

Cathleen has a huge range of experience of the contractual arrangements for the full lifecycle of an offshore wind farm, having significant experience of early development activities and preferred bidder / reservation agreements, as well as in developing the initial drafts of project contracts and negotiating those with the global supply chain. She has a keen understanding of key issues and risks, and is familiar with the current market positions in this area. She uses the same in order to help clients identify commercial solutions that support the successful delivery of each project.

Cathleen's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Cathleen Scanlan

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