Tivey Jack

Jack Tivey


Jack specialises in construction, infrastructure and energy disputes arising from major projects. Jack is often involved in assisting clients develop and implement commercial strategies to control time and cost during the construction phase of major projects.

Jack specialises in construction, infrastructure and energy disputes, and his practice encompasses all forms of dispute resolution. He has assisted numerous major international contractors enforce their contractual entitlements and creatively resolve their disputes across a range of projects across the MENA region and further abroad. Jack is highly experienced in providing advice on and preparing claims seeking compensation for time and cost arising from (amongst other things) interference / hinderance by an employer, engineer or third party, COVID-19 or other unforeseeable exceptional circumstances, and defects. Jack’s experience acting on major infrastructure projects gives him an excellent understanding of what is required to successfully defend and enforce contractors’ claims in court and arbitration.

Jack 's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Jack Tivey

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