Yeung Kingston

Kingston Yeung


Kingston is a dual-qualified solicitor and civil engineer who specialises in handling international and domestic construction disputes.

Kingston is an associate in the Construction Advisory and Disputes Group. He handled local and international arbitrations under the HKIAC and ICC rules and provided advice concerning with high value construction disputes in relation to energy, railway, infrastructure and building projects in Hong Kong and the Middle East.

He is a solicitor dually qualified in Hong Kong and England & Wales. He obtained his BEng in Civil and Structural Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and MSc in Transportation Engineering, JD and PCLL at the University of Hong Kong.

Kingston is also a chartered civil engineer and a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers and Hong Kong Institution of Engineers who worked in an international engineering consultancy firm for about five years before pursuing his legal career. Kingston is, therefore, familiar with technical construction issues encountered by contractors and consultants.

Kingston 's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Kingston Yeung

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