Slava Tretyak

Slava Tretyak

Senior Associate

Slava is a dual-qualified solicitor who advises state and private companies, UHNWI and clients on range of often complex, multi-jurisdictional and heavyweight disputes in the High Court and arbitration proceedings relating to fraud, share ownership, contractual and tort actions.

Slava’s strength is understanding the clients’ needs and building trustworthy, transparent and productive relationship. Slava’s day-to-day responsibilities include client management and reporting, work with the witnesses and experts, counsel and third parties’ collaboration to achieve the clients’ goals. Slava holds significant experience in the High Court and arbitration proceedings, often leads the workstreams on preparing applications, witness statements, expert reports, disclosure, trial preparation and the trial.

Slava’s practice has an international outlook, primarily focusing on the countries of the former USSR and central Europe. Slava’s background, experience, extensive knowledge of professional community in those countries and the UK - often leads to collaboration with other offices/departments within the firm, accommodating the needs of the client and makes Slava a perfect candidate to assist the clients in both contentious and non-contentious matters allowing the clients to receive the best legal assistance in a manner and a language they are comfortable with.


Slava's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Slava Tretyak

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