Steven Darge

Steven Darge


With extensive experience in the construction, mining and engineering sectors, Steven has acted for local and international employers, developers, contractors, consultants and subcontractors, as well as local municipalities, focusing on dispute advisory and resolution both intra- and post-contract.

Having practised in the field since the commencement of his career, Steven has a breadth of involvement in projects from inception through execution to close-out and the difficulties that emerge in the process. With a passion for alternative dispute resolution and advisory, including claims management and contractual compliance, he has gained specialist knowledge of the various standard-form contracts (JBCC, FIDIC, NEC and GCC) and the unique tenets of bespoke contracts.

Steven is also skilled in the creation and negotiation of specially tailored agreements for clients in the public and private sectors. He has advised and acted with success for various sized clients, from small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) to large multi-nationals, in numerous private and court-based matters including government tender award interdict and review proceedings.

Steven's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Steven Darge

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