Kapur Tara_Deborah Theisman

Tara Kapur

Senior Associate

Tara is dual qualified (India, E&W). She advises promoters, asset managers and investors on the structuring, licensing/launch and winding up of regulated and unregulated entities (including parallel/side by side funds, co-investment vehicles). She also focusses on regulatory/due diligence matters.

Tara has prior experience in India, the UK, the Channel Islands, and Luxembourg. She is a senior in the investment funds team, advising on matters spanning the regulatory life cycle of a fund. She has advised a number of PE/VC managers, with differing strategies and target asset classes, as well as investors on their investments (including due diligence aspects), and has been involved in extensive negotiations on both sides of the spectrum. She believes that legal advice must be unambiguous, to the point and commercial, and works with her clients to best achieve their objectives. 

Tara's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Tara Kapur

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