Vishana Mangalparsad

Vishana Mangalparsad


Vishana is an Associate in the Global Investigations team and has assisted in conducting internal investigations for global clients, with a particular focus on Africa. She is also experienced in compliance matters (including anti-bribery, sanctions, anti-money laundering and fraud).

Vishana has acted as the lead investigative support on workplace harassment investigations for multinational organisations with a presence in Africa as well as internal investigations into bribery and corruption across multiple jurisdictions. She has also assisted with investigations initiated by multilateral development banks (such as the African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank) and the subsequent ICP processes.

Vishana also has an extensive background in dispute resolution and has been part of the legal teams in many high profile and complex litigation matters in South Africa.

Vishana's experience


    Out-Law / Insight by Vishana Mangalparsad

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