Isabel Elena Wimmer

Isabel Elena Wimmer


Isabel has a broad range of experience in tax structuring transactions. She has advised leading private equity and sovereign funds, financial institutions, investment banks and large corporations in M&A transactions, real estate investments and finance transactions.

Isabel is an Associate in the Tax department of Pinsent Masons Madrid.

She has a broad range of experience in tax structuring transactions. She has advised leading private equity and sovereign funds, financial institutions, investment banks and large corporations in M&A transactions, real estate investments and finance transactions.

Isabel's experience


    • 2020
      Master in Law, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA)
    • 2020
      Master's Degree in Legal Advisory and Taxation, Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF)
    • 2016
      Degree in Law, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Isabel Elena Wimmer

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