Williams Jade

Jade Williams

Senior Associate

Jade specialises in energy, infrastructure and construction projects in the Asia-Pacific region. She has experience in formal litigation and other forms of dispute resolution, including legal risk management, dispute avoidance and resolution throughout the project lifecycle.

Jade is in the Construction Advisory & Disputes Group based in Sydney. Jade's experience includes international and domestic arbitration, litigation, adjudication and ADR (including mediations) on projects in the APAC region and is familiar with most major standard form contracts in Australia. 

She has acted on a wide range of complex and large disputes for principals, head contractors, subcontractors and consultants on diverse projects including oil & gas, road, rail, transmission lines, wind and solar. She has experience advising on issues including delay, disruption, variations and contract termination and regularly delivers client workshops and seminars on issues such as these.

Jade's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Jade Williams

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